Saturday, July 27, 2013

Charleston Law School Joins the Merry Band of InfiLaw

If you're not familiar with Charleston Law School, you should be. It's the 2nd-best law school in South Carolina, a key state in the crucial areas of golf and confederate nostalgia.

Well, Charleston just kicked it up a notch by contracting with InfiLaw, the kick-ass consortium of independent leaders in education such as Phoenix Law School (do NOT confuse with U. of Phoenix), Charlotte Law School, and ScamMadness(c) Champion Florida Coastal, to manage its operations, which some believe is a step towards selling the school.

The Charleston School of Law issued a statement that said the alliance with InfiLaw System gives the school "access to pioneering programs and tools that will help it provide students with excellence in teaching, strong faculty relationships as well as opportunities for public service and community involvement."

Thank God someone is finally offering public service. And these pioneering programs - will that be an LLM in covered wagon crashes, second cousin divorces, and elixir manufacturing contracts, or just a certificate program?

For an industry that's dwindling, InfiLaw sure is staking its ground, eh? Maybe y'all should be buying into the system instead of spewing hot garbage at it. Follow the smart money.

InfiLaw now has its efficient tentacles in four schools, turning what was a trio into a bona fide faction, not unlike Robin Hood's Merrymen with much less archery and slightly less homosexual innuendo. And the analogy works because students will likely spend a good deal of time learning the law of Robin Hood's time, which has much more application to today's lawyer than any scamblogger gives credit, largely because I say so and have no desire to update my class notes from 1995.

They take from the lower middle class and give to the upper middle class. That's American storytelling for ya.

In any event, shrewd investors buy when everyone else sells a thing of real value.

Sanders said he didn't know if the school would ultimately be sold but said "to sell a law school is a complicated thing. It could take months or years. It is not like selling a loaf of bread."

Right, if only American law schools had access to legal counsel who could manage the sale or merger of a private business. Gosh, I guess it's self-evident that we need to be pumping out more attorneys, eh?

(Also, it's more complicated than selling bread because people actually want to buy bread).

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