Friday, November 20, 2015

The Charleston Saga...Concluded?

From The Post and Courier, winner of the Pulitzer Prize:
Last week, the law school announced that Georgetown lawyer Ed Bell will take over as president and managing partner of the law school. InfiLaw is out of the picture.
He is committed to making the School of Law a nonprofit school as soon as it is possible to do so. Doing that will encourage people and businesses to give tax-deductible scholarship money to the school, allowing students to avoid accruing such heavy debt loads. 
Robert Carr and George Kosko, the main proponents for selling to InfiLaw, remain as co-owners. They have said they welcome Mr. Bell (who will be paid $1 a year) and the financial support, vision and stability that he will provide the school. 
Well, sounds like their problems are solved.  Sure, it sucks that good ol' 'Flaw couldn't add itself a crown jewel to the ol' empire, but Charleston School of Law will now be on the sure path of financial success as such other non-profit law schools like Vermont or Indiana Tech.  Charleston School of Law may have only been founded in 2003, and the world at large may still be turning downward for law schools - particularly less-prestigious stand-alone shit heaps - but gosh darn it, CSOL just feels right in the Charleston community and if it gives everyone the warm and fuzzies that it's going to be exploiting the 145s as a non-profit, then I say let's throw money at it and print six-digit promissory notes as fast as we can.

Kudos to Mr. Bell of Georgetown (S.C., not the university) for finding the most pleasing way possible for a plaintiff's attorney to advertise and gain rapport with the public.  Given that law school is poised for a massive turnaround in interest any year now, it's high time that CSOL brings in a visionary who can nudge the school into non-profit territory and reel in a whole new class of sucker who's too good to pick up a million-dollar paycheck from Florida Coastal or Charlotte.


  1. Beating your 10 year old nephew in a game of chess is a MUCH bigger accomplishment than gaining admission to this certifiable dung heap. By at least a factor of five.

  2. Take a look at any Popular Mechanics or Popular Science Magazine from the 50s and 60s and you will find ads from LaSalle Extension University and Blackstone Law College. They were correspondence schools where one can "read law books" and be a "LAW TRAINED MAN" for a few hours each week. We are coming full circle folks. In 2015, these TTTT schools and many better ranked schools are exactly that. Our very expensive investments are turning into a joke right next to the ads for bulldozer operator and rug cleaner businesses. Pretty soon, law schools will advertise like those cheap Rolex knock offs.

  3. "Non-profit" probably means that they're going to try to get the state to fund the goddamn thing.

  4. I just completed my family's reenrollment into Obama Care. We were rejected for a subsidized plan and directed to the Medicaid pool. Nope, I am not a Walmart associate. I am an attorney from a decently ranked school out over 25 years. No matter how hard I hustle and network for business, I can't seem to crack 40K.

  5. Well, I certainly feel all warm and fuzzy, now that Bell is taking over and those worthless-Boomers Carr and Kosko remain as "co-owners".

    Wait, that "warmth" I feel is side-splash from hundreds of students being pissed on...
