Saturday, December 9, 2017

Cardozo Accepts GRE to Get In on Bitcoin Law Bubble

Pinch me, baby, it's Bitcoin law

Not to be outdone by its metropolitan peers, Cardozo will also be accepting the GRE in addition to, or instead of, the LSAT.

Cardozo gets double points for connecting this move to red-hot Bitcoin law, one of the hottest new trends in legal services.
“We are on the cutting edge of law and technology with expanded programs in bitcoin, cybersecurity, data law and more,” said Dean Melanie Leslie. “The opportunity to accept both the GRE and the LSAT could not come at a better time for applicants and for Cardozo.”
I'd say.   Bitcoin prices have created millionaires all over the place.  They've got to put that new easy money somewhere, and why not into extremely niche, fad boutique law practices, to wit: Bitcoin law?

It's just like the space law rush of a few years ago.  1998 we didn't have space law.  Now we've got space lawyers from Poughkeepsie to Monterey Bay ready for the Mars invasion and disputes over asteroid mining trusts.

Now it's Bitcoin law. Bitcoin needs lots of lawyers ready to tackle its problems.  It's international.  Computer-y.  Financial.  People are going to want to know how to use Bitcoin as collateral, pass Bitcoins to their next of kin, and use Bitcoins to decorate the lavatory.

Cardozo's way ahead of the curve on this one.  Accepting the GRE means you'll pull in all those genius-mopes, would-be scientists and economists, who can't be bothered to take the proper test.  Because, you know, lots of people unwilling to spend three figures and a spare Saturday are willing to spend three years and six figures growing older and fatter, but super-wiser with a more refined liver.

Just think.  In the fall of 2015 if you'd invested $150,000 in Bitcoin it would now be worth over $4 million even after the recent pull-back.  But if you'd invested it in Bitcoin law, you'd be positioned in a few months to be the leading Bitcoin lawyer in America, which is worth way more than $4 million.

Bitcoin law!  Tell me Bitcoin law is a search term.  It's it not, Bitcoin law should be.

By accepting the GRE, Cardozo is taking a splendid step towards not discriminating against those people simply because they don't have a second free Saturday for some ludicrous standardized test, particularly one so discriminatory against the lawyers of tomorrow.  His Honor would be proud.


  1. Yes, accepting the GRE in lieu of the LSAT is a real hallmark of an "elite" law school, huh?

    1. Well, Harvard has done it. First-tier toilet.


    Looks like "bitcoin" removed from Cardozo Law press release.
