That left a big gap in the academic offerings in the South Sound. Aspiring attorneys now have to travel — or move — to Seattle or Portland for a law degree; nothing else is available between the two cities.Good gravy, you were trying to run a city of 200k with no law school for a 50-mile radius?!? Anarchy! Ridiculousness! Absurdity! Flunderbung! Move an hour away for law school!? What the fuck were they thinking?!
Thankfully, the Washington state senate knows a problem when it sees one:
As part of the Senate budget, they’re including $400,000 to help jump-start donations to a [Univ. of Washington-Tacoma] program.
A new law school isn’t just something that would be nice for the South Sound. It’s badly needed. Competition for entry into the UW’s law school is fierce, and annual tuition at SU costs $11,500 more than at UW for in-state students.
The legal profession — like many others — is starting to feel the effects of the baby boomer retirement wave. About 25 percent of the state’s practicing attorneys say they plan to retire within the next few years, according to a Washington State Bar Association survey, and almost 75 percent of the bar’s membership is at least 50 years old.THINK OF THE CHILDREN AND GET THAT TOWN SOME LAWYERS. My God, at this rate, if they don't produce a boatload more, they're going to run out of lawyers in 30 years!
Personally, I love the idea of throwing seed money in to lure donations. Just like a bartender who throws a $5 into the jar to encourage others. Because, traditionally, where a government wastes money, it is usually followed swiftly by a rash of right-thinking people who want to follow suit and fund completely ridiculous and unnecessary ventures that assist absolutely no one except the people who can claim a salary from the enterprise.
And besides, with the two Rutgers schools becoming one, we really need to add another public law school in America to keep the balance. It was already bad enough that a state of 7 million tried to survive on just one public law school. If I didn't like their idea of opening a new branch so much, I would accuse them of intentional dereliction of duty for going this long without finding a way to get more young lawyers to be lemmings in Washington instead of California, Michigan, or Florida.
Go Mariners.