Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Brooklyn to Accept GRE

Brooklyn Law School is now going to accept the GRE.

Let's cut through the propaganda, the convoluted weeds, the honeyed bullshit, and go to Nick Allard, a straight-talk dean so intimate with the unprotected truth that he ought to get tested (thankfully there's multiple good tests!).
"The decision to accept the GRE in addition to the LSAT for application to our Law School is yet another way we are seeking to attract talented students from diverse education and career backgrounds—including in the sciences, engineering, medicine, and technology—who wish to pursue legal education," said Allard. "As we prepare the next generation of lawyers for a rapidly changing marketplace, the way in which we attract and comprehensively evaluate our prospective law students must change as well. The GRE will give us another objective measure that is widely used in graduate education by which we can assess an applicant's potential to succeed in both law school and professionally."
The LSTC will now host a question and answer session.

Question:  Doesn't the phrase "another objective measure" cause an alarm to go off?  What was wrong with the first objective measure?  Is this just another way to shoe-horn more people over a minimum?
LSTC:  No.

Question:  If the GRE can actually gauge the potential to succeed professionally post-law degree, why wasn't it used years ago?
LSTC:  Young lawyers would have less debt if they all lived in vans.

Question:  What kind of a law dean quoted in a press release uses four prepositional phrases in a row that are completely superfluous to the meaning of the sentence and should just be omitted?
LSTC:  Nick Allard was named as a SuperLawyer in Washington D.C. for 2012-2015.

Question:  Are science nerds unable to take - or do well - on the LSAT?
 LSTC:  Probably not, as they obviously would do well in law school but cannot even complete the LSAT application, much less show up at the test site.

Question:  What in the world does accepting the GRE have to do with meeting the demands of a changing marketplace save maybe the hollow, cynical market for prospective students?
LSTC:  That's it, this press conference is over.  Scam on.


  1. Does the designation of SuperLawyer entitle one to prance around in a skintight suit with an S on the chest?

    All Lard could use a few lessons on grammar.

    The comment about the "rapidly changing marketplace" probably refers to the law-school scam: lots of other $chools are accepting the GRE, and Crooklyn doesn't want to miss this opportunity to manipulate the rankings and draw in more fee-paying lemmings.

  2. No surprise. Brooklyn Law School is an absolute shithole and Nick Allard is one of the top hucksters in all of higher ed.

  3. "The decision to accept the GRE in addition to the LSAT for application to our Law School is yet another way we are seeking to attract grist for the mill-who just don't know any better—who wish to pursue legal education..."

    There. Fixed it for you, Allard.

    What unmitigated and utter bulls**t. Lying for dollars is indeed alive and well.
